Baby & Company

Hired to help grow e-commerce sales. Managed a team of three (writer, merchandiser, and graphic designer). Consulted on digital marketing best practices. Developed the company's first integrated marketing communications plan using customer data to drive decision making. Shown below is an example of digital marketing that was used with no call to action and the call to action that should have been used.

PROBLEM: The fashion brand needed to drive e-commerce sales. A Los Angeles company they hired to do their digital marketing wasn't helping to increase sales. Why?

RESEARCH: Surveyed customers for their wants and needs. Built customer profiles of top 50 customers. Studied website heat maps. Analyzed digital marketing data.

SOLUTION: Presented data to the owners that showed that their online ads were only reaching customers within a one-mile radius of their brick-and-mortar store and their ads had no call to actions.

RESULT: Saved B&C $120,000 by not renewing the contract, moved digital marketing efforts in-house, and implemented an integrated digital marketing plan with call to actions.


No Call to Action

Here is an example of digital marketing that the company was using with no call to action.


Call to Action Added

The new call to action to “Shop Now” increased landing page visits by 30% in first month.


Fonte Coffee Roaster


Seattle Colleges